Targeting further growth in Europe

Peak Re remains on track to deliver on its plan for global business expansion. Within that strategy of building a balanced and well diversified portfolio, Europe assumes a prominent position. Today Peak Re writes about 17% of its premiums in this region, a region which generates about 30% of global premiums.

In Europe, Peak Re’s ambition has been underpinned by setting up a fully capitalised subsidiary in Zurich, Switzerland. Although the licence from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) came too late to benefit the firm in the 2016 year-end renewals, its compliance with the Swiss Solvency Test (SST) provides Peak Re with full Solvency II equivalency and demonstrates the long-term view that the company takes with regard to building its franchise.

Going forward Peak Re will build on its portfolio in Europe and focus on expanding its client relationships. Cedants value Peak Re for the capital diversification that it brings to their panels, its global perspective and the client-centric whole-account approach it takes, which is in stark contrast to the layer-by-layer view that many of its competitors entertain.

In growing its portfolio, Peak Re will maintain a balanced approach between its Asian home-base, which will continue to represent about two thirds of the company’s book of business, and the Americas and Europe which account for the remainder. Within Europe, Peak Re focuses on the major Continental European markets such as Germany, Switzerland, France, Iberia, Italy, Austria, Benelux and the Nordics plus the UK. The lines of business offered include property and casualty lines as well as credit & surety, providing Peak Re with the full benefit of a broad diversification by product and geography.

Peak Re’s European clients can avail all resources of the company. On the one hand, they benefit from the proximity afforded by a Swiss subsidiary with its Solvency II equivalence. On the other hand, they are serviced on the company’s single underwriting platform and are directly aligned with the firm’s Hong Kong headquarters. Peak Re operates as one team, with the staff in the Zurich office part of the company’s three- cornered underwriting approach which is predicated on portfolio and risk analytics, market knowledge and of course product underwriting.

Peak Re is convinced that its underwriting process is more rigorous, thorough and efficient than the typical reinsurer set-up. The firm’s underwriting approach assures that Peak Re maintains a low expense ratio in an industry environment characterised by tight margins. At the same time, Peak Re can guarantee a quick turn-around when reviewing a cedant’s portfolio because the three underwriting functions work simultaneously.

In Peak Re’s view, reinsurance trading conditions in Europe will remain challenging even though the Euro zone’s economies are witnessing a rebound and concerns about the economic consequences of Brexit and the Trump presidency have yet to manifest themselves. Overall cedants’ premium volumes are not expected to grow while pricing will remain under pressure in an environment of more than adequate capital. Having said this, there are still profitable reinsurance portfolios to be found with clients which are not adequately served by reinsurers geared towards pure analytics and short- termism. Peak Re’s client-centric underwriting approach, coupled with its long-term mind-set and the capital diversification it provides will continue to identify and capture attractive business opportunities. It’s highly cost-efficient business model, proven since the company’s start in 2012, will enable Peak Re to trade profitably even in a market which seems to have found a new norm.